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At St Peter's CofE Primary School, the aim of PSHE is to enable all pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to keep them healthy and safe.  In line with the Education Act 2002 and the Academies Act 2010 we cover the three core themes of PSHE, Health and Well Being, Relationships and living in the wider world.

At St.Peter's, it is our intent that all children will be 'Lifelong learners' with the confidence and ability to develop their skills and understanding when having new experiences , meeting new challenges and in unfamiliar situations.  We offer a nurturing environment where all children are supported to reach their full potential and their achievements and successes are celebrated.  At St Peter's we aim to encourage mutual respect, celebrating and accepting difference in our school community and beyond. 

We use the Jigsaw programme to support the teaching and learning of PSHE.



Through Jigsaw our children acquire knowledge, understanding and the skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future.  It develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society and the global community.

Jigsaw is implemented throughout the school.  We have regular Jigsaw lessons focusing on different topics each term.  There are six puzzles in Jigsaw that are designed to progress in sequence from the start of each academic year:

Term 1: Being me in my world

Term 2: Celebrating difference (including anti-bullying)

Term 3: Dreams and goals

Term 4: Healthy me

Term 5: Relationships

Term 6: Changing me (including sex education)

The whole school works on the same puzzle at the same time. 

Through regular Jigsaw sessions, children are given opportunities to explore and challenge a range of the diverse beliefs, values and attitudes that individuals and societies hols.  Children are taught to develop themselves, their understanding of the world, and their ability to communicate their feelings as well as to take responsibility for their actions.

Children at St Peter's also acquire understanding and experiences of British values that are necessary if they are to make sense of their experiences, value themselves, respect one another, appreciate differences and feel confident and informed as British citizens.  The children support the community through raising money for charities and collecting food for the local food bank.


At St. Peter's we seek to ensure the PSHE we teach improves the physical, mental and social well-being of pupils.  Through out PSHE curriculum, we believe we can enhance children's education and help them to become caring, respectful, aspirational and confident individuals.  Providing a consistent and regular delivery of the Jigsaw scheme allows us to do this.


PSHE sits within the areas of Personal, social and emotional development and Understanding of the world.  From an early age, the children at St. Peter's learn to develop respectful communication and they are aware of the feelings and wishes of others.  From nursery age the children participate in weekly social circle times.  The children are encouraged to listen, be kind to each other and share with others.  The continuous provision is planned to provide the children with the opportunity to further develop the skills they have learned from focused sessions and then practise using these independently.