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Our School Values

St Peter's is a Christian school, serving the needs of the community.

Our vision is "To support our community to flourish by helping them to live hopefully, learn joyfully and love each other."

Our vision underpins all that we do in school and is inspired by the Apostle Paul in Corinthians 13:13:

'And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.'

This vision, support by our core values of love, hope, joy, respect and forgiveness, allows us to serve our community by providing an education focused on developing pupil's relationships with themselves, others, the world around them and that which lies beyond (the transcendent). Through this we aim for our children to develop hope and aspiration for the future, to experience joy in learning about the world around them and to grow up in a community where they feel loved and show love to those around them.

We have high expectation for our children's learning, social and emotional aspirations. We want them to have a strong self-belief, self-respect and emotional resilience which will empower them. We work to provide quality learning that develops and extends their skills, ensuring that the school is a fully inclusive, supportive and equal environment where all children know they can achieve success.

All staff and governors have the responsibility to make sure the children in our care 'Live hopefully, learn joyfully and love each other'. This defines the purpose of our school.

The table below shows the key Bible stories which underpin our vision. 

Vision and Values

More information on the theology and rational behind our vision and values can be found in the vision and values document below. 

