At St Peter’s CE Primary School, our aim is to provide a fully inclusive curriculum which allows all learners regardless of background, additional need or prior ability to achieve their potential.
We want to equip our children with the necessary skills and dispositions to be aspirational life-long learners. Consequently, we aim to develop children’s sense of hope and aspiration for their future as citizens, support them to understand the global nature of our world and the multi-cultural nature of our community and support them to develop positive mental health and wellbeing. We ensure learning is carefully sequenced so that knowledge and skills are built upon and developed within and across year groups; opportunities for real-life contextual opportunities to widen children’s life experience and for there to be a focus on learning to learn as well as learning the curriculum.
The main intent of our curriculum is to support children to become aspirational, resilient life-long learners with positive learning dispositions who are armed with the knowledge and skills to flourish as local and global citizens within an ever-changing society.
This is centers around our Christian ethos which is inspired by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:13:
To support our community to flourish by helping them to live hopefully, learn joyfully and love each other.
Live Hopefully: It is our aim to provide opportunities for children to gain the best chance of living happy and successful lives. A big part of this is developing a sense of hope and aspiration in our children. We acknowledge that we serve one of the most deprived areas in the city; therefore, our teaching and learning approach centres around providing children learning as well as enrichment to their life-experience and help them to dream and aspire to be the best they can be.
Learn joyfully: We believe in developing a love of learning. As such we aim to provide children with a wide range of exciting experience to spark their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning about the world around them. Through experiencing joy in learning and experiencing the joy of the world we live in, we believe that pupils become life-long learners ever-eager to learn more about the world around them.
Love each other: Love is such a powerful word and it encompasses so many different dimensions: respect for one and other, care and compassion for the world around us, the ability to forgive among others. By supporting children to love each other we aim to support them to have respect for all, to view themselves as being key members of the community who work together to improve the lives of all and to have the emotional intelligence and resilience to show love and care for others even in challenging circumstances. We believe that through fostering this, we build a strong school, local, regional, national, and international community.
Through this we aim to support children to be prepared to live life in all its fullness, to understand their role in the local and global community and to have the knowledge and skills to contribute to this community helping themselves and others to flourish.
The intents for each of our subject areas feed into this overall vision and can be accessed from the links below. For more information on the curriculum please contact the school office.
Our curriculum is based on carefully selected schemes which are chosen/ developed in collaboration with subject leaders, the senior leadership team, the trust school improvement team, trust lead practitioners and classroom teachers to ensure they best meet the needs of our children.
These Schemes are carefully developed for all learning areas to ensure that learning is clear, progressive and best fulfils our curriculum intent. Details on progressions in each subject can be seen in the links below.
Our teaching and learning strategy is outlined in our Teaching and Learning policy available (add link). Key to this is:
We use a range of measures to monitor the impact of our curriculum. These include regularly gaining pupil voice, a structured programme of assessments and curriculum focused monitoring days. For this we know that: